Arkwood hit the headlines with an article in the specialized magazine Option Droit & Affaires!
ODA n°278 issue of October 7, 2015 – Arkwood tax boutique law has just been launched. Created by four formers tax lawyers of Baker & McKenzie – Marine Dupas, Michaël Khayat, Stéphanie Auféril and Julien Riahi –, the new law firm is dedicated to individual taxation and wealth management. The team is made of four partners and three associates dedicated to its clients: French or foreign families and major financial institutions willing to be assisted in the management of their private clients.
Its expertise covers all tax aspects of wealth management: taxation, property rights and successions. ‘We have been working within an international network and therefore assist families in an international context on every aspects of individual taxation, explains Stéphanie Auferil. We rely on a worldwide network of independant correspondents.’ The challenge of offering such expertise has been motivated by a fact: “Private clients often leaves large law firms to join human-sized boutiques providing technical excellence and tailor-made service in a more flexible way“, explains Michael Khayat (…)
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